New generation beer
with incomparably memorable taste

Craft beer making is an art and like any mastery it requires inspiration, attitude, passion, skill and a lot of imagination. My inspiration for beer was born in Germany, where I spent six unforgettable years. Beer was the pulling force around which I built lifelong friends and wonderful memories, but most of all an attitude and understanding of the true qualities of this elixir. My passion for the distinctive characteristics of good beer and my dislike of mediocre beer was further enhanced during my next four years in America. It was there that the idea of creating a brewery of a new dimension was born, where making beer was an art. My path took me to Switzerland, where I learned from the industry's leading craft brewers. From there, my imagination brought me back to Bulgaria to create a new generation and quality craft brewery where beer is my art.
Ithai Diakov - founder and head brewer of ID Brew

Craft Beer Concept


beer with amber hue and natural freshness, unfiltered, naturally carbonated and rich in taste


is the German beer purity law, which is our leading standard for building an unparalleled product


and raw materials without any preservatives, impurities and external factors, without stabilizers and synthetic enzymes


and our processes result in a memorably unique taste without compromise or equivalent

Our process


For the production of beer, sugar is needed, which is contained in the malt and its milling produces the starch that aids fermentation.


In mashing, infusion takes place by mixing ground malt with hot water to convert starch into fermentable sugar.


At this stage, the wort is washed with hot water to wash away residual sugar and grain, resulting in optimal enzyme extraction.


This is a key step in beer production that stops enzyme activity and sterilizes the wort. Hops are added at this stage for aroma and flavour.


At this stage, the so-called whirlpool is made, which helps to separate the hop residues, thus clarifying the wort and contributing to a better taste.


Once the wort is boiled, it is cooled. To do this, it is passed through a heat exchanger where oxygen is added. The wort is cooled down sharply.


At this stage the wort is transferred to fermenters and the yeast is added. When they are activated, the generation of alcohol and carbon dioxide begins.


Once the beer is ready and chilled comes the most pleasant moment, namely its consumption, which leaves a unique and unforgettable taste.

Our beers

35 days
40 IBU
Dense and malty
5.0 %
Pale amber
12 P°
35 days
29 IBU
Complex, rich and refreshing
5.0 %
Golden deep amber
12 P°

About Us

New generation independent brewery with a discerning taste
German quality, German ingredients and German tradition but Bulgarian product
Technological processes and recipes set and controlled by:

Daniel Grimm
lecturer at а University of Applied Life Science, food safety auditor and master brewer from Weihenstephan

Georg Polster
6th generation brewer from Germany and master brewer from Weihenstephan

Ithai Diakov
founder and head brewer, with experience from Switzerland, US and Germany

Our brewery

Our production is located in Sofia, the place where few breweries have found their place to provide craft quality, and where we are raising the bar by imposing higher standards.
Why ID Brew, for us beer is an art that we create with intense passion, an attitude of respect and delicious imagination to satisfy only the most sophisticated palates!

Contact Us

Contact details
7 Amsterdam str., 1528, Sofia, Bulgaria
+359 88 99 18 177
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